
Our Toddler Classroom is open for children 18 to 30 months. We provide warm, nurturing care with secure surroundings, equipment and playthings that meet children’s needs and support their individual development.

Daily Programs

The daily program information for the Toddler Classroom is posted at the entrance on the bulletin board.

Toddlers: No uniform.

Footwear: Running shoes are ideal. Open-toed sandals, flip flops and CrocsTM are not to be worn at any time. NO JEANS, PLEASE.


Please, no toys from home should be brought to school.

Snacks & Lunch

We provide morning and afternoon snacks. Hot lunches are provided for our all-day program.


Should your child have a need to be administered medication while attending class at any time during the school year, you may print and fill out the Medication Authorization Form, or you may acquire it from any classroom and give it to the teacher upon his/her arrival on that day.

Sunscreen & Sun Safety

Block the sun, not the fun! Protect both your children and yourself from the sun with our tips for sun safety. Please provide OLQOP Staff with sun protection for your child.The Toddler Classroom is open Monday to Friday throughout the 12 months of the year, with the exception of statutory holidays.

Regular Toddler Classroom Hours

Morning Class: 8:45 AM – 11:45 AM
Afternoon Class: 12:45 PM – 3:45 PM
All-Day Program: 8:45 AM – 3:45 PM

Toddler Extended Care Hours (added charges apply)

Mornings: Monday – Friday 7:30 AM – 8:45 AM
Afternoons: Monday – Friday 3:45 PM – 6:00 PM

Please ensure that your child is picked up at the scheduled time.
Late pick-ups will be billed!


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